I answer this question and much more in my book, which not only helps readers learn the fundamentals of marksmanship, but also how I made connections between my work and life experiences at Google, in music, and in baseball to win Top Shot.
Leadership and personal/professional development are additional topics covered in my book. You'll get an understanding of how I approached and developed my professional career through what I learned at Google. I then taught and mentored numerous Google employees on developing their own careers. And of course, how did winning Top Shot fit, or not fit, into my career plans? I'm excited to share these insights, and more.
Finally, I'm hoping my book encourages new shooters to get involved in the recreational, sporting, hunting, and self-defense aspects of firearm ownership. I also hope to renew, confirm, and validate the reasons why current gun owners celebrate exercising our Second Amendment rights.
I went from being a fan of Top Shot, to becoming a Top Shot champion, and I'm hoping to pay it forward where my book helps people achieve their dreams.
Now available for pre-order on Amazon: http://amzn.to/Hvkpbl