Here's a choice snippet:
That Second Amendment is for EVERY American. That’s a true story, regardless of your personal opinion on any LGBT issue. Pro-gun individuals come in every shape, size, background, sexual orientation, faith, creed, political affiliation…you get the point.
Our God-given (well, I consider them God-given), constitutionally guaranteed rights apply to every American, not just to the ones whose lifestyle or even perceived moral code we understand and/or approve of. This video, which features three very atypical gun-owners, reflects that truth. I particularly enjoyed listening to the self-described vegan democratic-socialist discuss firearms, unnecessary violence and how the obligation to defend his family correlates to his spiritual beliefs. Kristin Beck spent 2 decades risking her life for her country, a career that more the demands respect, and I’ve written before about my friend Chris Cheng. He likened coming out of the gun closet to coming out of the gay closet.
It’s an interesting video, and one worth watching. Hopefully we can enjoy civil discourse on the matter without seeing any of the feculent outrage that makes all gun owners look small minded or stupid (which is, of course, far different than intelligent, dissenting discourse).