Gear- Pistol
Gear- Rifle
Gear- Shotgun
Other Gear
Here are additional pictures from Chris' time on the set of Top Shot Season 5: All-Stars.
A view of the Top Shot house's garage
Inside the garage is the command center where producers and camera folks keep an eye on the action.
Top Shot champs Dustin Ellermann and Chris Reed hanging out while we wait for the final two (Phil Morden and Chris Cerino) to arrive back at the house.
Phil and Chris relax with a drink, and we can hear them reminiscing about their time on Season 5. They have no idea that the previous winners are on site :)
Getting ready to enter the house!
Chris Cerino cooked everyone an awesome dinner. Steaks, sweet potato, corn, and wine.
If you are staring at this, you've made it to the end of a long and challenging Top Shot Season 5 competition.
We got to see the Top Shot come onto the set before Phil and Chris arrived on site for the Final Gauntlet.
The crew getting things prepared for the final challenge.
Chris next to the Hotchkiss Mountain gun, the final weapon.
Phil Morden and Dustin Ellermann are both from Season 3, shown here celebrating Phil's victory.
Congrats to Phil Morden, the new Top Shot Champion!