Some of the topics we covered:
- Diversity in the gun community. How do we promote more diversity and highlight minority success stories?
- Koreatown, the LA Riots, and AR-15s
- A 28th Amendment to update the 2nd Amendment?
- Why the FN Five-Seven pistol is my current favorite gun
- Challenges we face in the gun community
- How gun people, are GREAT people!
- Shooting is a stronger family tradition amongst white families, but not so much amongst Black, Hispanic, and Asian communities. Why is this the case?
- Gun ownership is oftentimes a core part of who someone is, and how they self-identify. Similar to gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, job title, etc.
My portion starts up around the 17:35 minute mark. The podcast is at the bottom of http://blackmanwithagun.com/352-tis-season-top-shots-chris-cheng.